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Farm Gallery
Four Bird Farm resides on a couple acres near Grand Island, Oregon. We share our life with a band of furry creatures who always seem to have an opinion (or two) about what we're up to. None of them are short on personality and all of them are a big part of our daily operations.
Cabela: The sweetest farm boss who loved to make her position clear. She ran the show for over thirteen years. Rest easy darling girl.
Daisy: The ultimate side-kick and friend-to-all with a heart of gold. Puddles and drinking from the hose in the summer are THE BEST THINGS EVER. Snuggles and snacks are her jam.
Bob: Enemy to young seedlings. Judgemental. Continually over estimates his contributions
to the team.
Gilly and Chester. The dynamic duo who inhabit the barn and observe all the schenanigans on the farm.
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